Tuesday, December 28, 2010

On the Road!

My names Tracy! This here's the story of my trip to Florida with one of my bestest buds, Paige! The first day of the trip, we got on the road! Before we headed to Orlando, we first ha to stop by my Papa's place in Perry Florida! It's an incredibly small town so there's really not much to do here. So Paige and I embraced the pure nature and made a mock-trailer for a mock-movie called My Best Friend's a Ghost! (see the link below). After this we went to Papa Jim's resturaunt. It was pretty gross for a veggitarian like myself considering it was all seafood. Not to worry though, I got a grilled cheese :) So then we stayed up late listening to Justin Bieber, fantasising about how we're going to meet him, and crying over our love for him. We're teenagers, we can't help it :)Anyway, this is the story of our adventure! ENJOYITORDIE! Love ya! ~Tracy

P.S. Here's the link I promised you!


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